Media production studio Flash XML template
Media production studio Flash XML template
Media production studio Flash template was created for companies producing commercial video ads, advertising banners, billboards, tracks for radio ads and so on. This template is supplied with numerous flash components helping to create astonishing show case of your skills. Each components can be used as a page of the website or as a stand alone flash application. Using built in tools you can easily create amazing flash portfolio for video, photo and mp3 files. Built in presentation module helps to give additional impact on your best works, news page, staff page and contact page provide more information about your company and keep the connection with your site visitors and customers.

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    Adobe Flash CS3 or higher; Adobe Photoshop CS or higher;
    FLA, HTML(no html version included if flash site), PHP, PSD, SWF, XML
    IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, Safari, Chrome, Firefox 3, Opera
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