So simple video gallery FlashMoto CMS template
So simple video gallery FlashMoto CMS template
This FlashMoto CMS template is a perfect solution for a video gallery. Its design will be always actual and you'll never be tired of this original color scheme, weird but engaging and colorful diamond against a deep-black background grabs visitors' attention at a glance. Effective menubar with drop down menus in the right corner of the homepage is really handy to use. The buttons positions are customizable. Moreover, you can create as many galleries as you wish and all necessary buttons for them. Take the advantage of this FlashMoto CMS template and set up a professional video gallery with minimum efforts. Its price is only $260.00.

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    PHP v. 5.2.1 or higher;
    Zend Optimizer v3.3 and higher;
    For uncompressing a template ZIP package:
    WinZip 9+ (Windows);
    Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac);
    Adobe Flash CS3;
    Adobe Photoshop CS+
    FLA, HTML(no html version included if flash site), PHP, PSD, SWF, XML
  • tags: clean style corporate flash flashmoto video